Cheerio 实现了 jQuery 核心 API 的一个子集。并且,Cheerio 删除了 jQuery 库中 DOM 操作的不一致以及为了兼容浏览器而添加到的东西,从而真正释放了 其华丽的 API。
Cheerio 基于一个非常简单、一致的 DOM 模型。因此, 解析、操作和渲染都非常高效。
Cheerio 几乎可以解析任何 HTML 或 XML 文档。并且,Cheerio 同时支持 浏览器和服务器端运行环境。
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What Our Users Say
Axel Rauschmayer
@rauschmaFor transforming HTML via Node.js scripts, @mattmueller's cheerio works really well.
Valeri Karpov
@code_barbarianCheerio is a weird npm module: most devs have never heard of it, but I rarely build an app without it.
So much utility for quick and easy HTML transformations.
So much utility for quick and easy HTML transformations.
Thomas Boutell
@boutellYou probably shouldn't use jQuery, but if you're great at jQuery, you're going to be really popular on server-side projects that need web scraping or HTML transformation. "npm install cheerio" ahoy!
Alistair G MacDonald
@html5jsLooking for a faster, cleaner alternative to basic JSDOM? Try Cheerio! #npm #javascript #nodejs
Yogini Bende
@hey_yoginiCheerio is 🔥
Jonny Frodsham
@jonnyfrodshamNeeded to do a quick web scrape in Node for a demo. Seems like I'm back using jQuery in the super timesaving cheerio npm package 😯
Thomas Steiner
@tomayacnpm install cheerio. That's the #jQuery DOM API for #nodeJS essentially. Thanks, @MattMueller
Mike Pennisi
@JugglinMikeThank you @fb55 for tirelessly pushing Cheerio to version 1.0. That library helps so many developers expand their horizons beyond the browser, and you've been making it possible for a decade!
Matthew Phillips
@matthewcpCheerio is (still) such a useful tool for manipulating HTML. Shout to @MattMueller for saving me an untold amount of time over the years.